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新刊メモ 2013/10/19




エンブレムの宇宙: 西欧図像学の誕生と発展と精華

エンブレムの宇宙: 西欧図像学の誕生と発展と精華

イマジン (講談社の翻訳絵本)

イマジン (講談社の翻訳絵本)



複数的人間: 行為のさまざまな原動力 (叢書・ウニベルシタス)

複数的人間: 行為のさまざまな原動力 (叢書・ウニベルシタス)





ブルックリン・おしゃれコーデBOOK (ジョルニの本)

ブルックリン・おしゃれコーデBOOK (ジョルニの本)

ハンディ版 知っておいしい 肉事典

ハンディ版 知っておいしい 肉事典

ダイムノヴェルのアメリカ: 大衆小説の文化史

ダイムノヴェルのアメリカ: 大衆小説の文化史



HELLO WORLD 「デザイン」が私たちに必要な理由

HELLO WORLD 「デザイン」が私たちに必要な理由

Nymphs (The Italian List)

Nymphs (The Italian List)

Politics As Form in Lars Von Trier: A Post-Brechtian Reading

Politics As Form in Lars Von Trier: A Post-Brechtian Reading

Tate Modern Artists: Olafur Eliasson (Modern Artists Series)

Tate Modern Artists: Olafur Eliasson (Modern Artists Series)

The Luminaries

The Luminaries

Seeing from Above: The Aerial View in Visual Culture

Seeing from Above: The Aerial View in Visual Culture

Anarchy in the Organism

Anarchy in the Organism

Isa Genzken: Retrospective

Isa Genzken: Retrospective

Duchamp: A Biography

Duchamp: A Biography

Giuseppe Penone: Spazio di Luce (Whitechapel Art Gallery, London: Exhibition Catalogues)

Giuseppe Penone: Spazio di Luce (Whitechapel Art Gallery, London: Exhibition Catalogues)

Art & Place: Site-Specific Art of the Americas

Art & Place: Site-Specific Art of the Americas

Imagination / Idea 1971: The Beginning of Hungarian Conceptual Art, The Laszle Beke Collection, 1971 (Tranzit Series)

Imagination / Idea 1971: The Beginning of Hungarian Conceptual Art, The Laszle Beke Collection, 1971 (Tranzit Series)

Latifa Echakhch

Latifa Echakhch

Nuggets: New and Old Writing on Art, Architecture, and Culture (Positions)

Nuggets: New and Old Writing on Art, Architecture, and Culture (Positions)

Relive: Media Art Histories (Leonardo Book Series)

Relive: Media Art Histories (Leonardo Book Series)

  • 作者: Sean Cubitt,Paul Thomas,Roger F. Malina PhD,Zhang Ga,Brogan Bunt,Darren Tofts,Ryszard W. Kluszczynski,Edward A. Shanken,Darko Fritz,Francesca Franco,Andres Burbano,Monika Gorska-Olesinska,Stephen Jones,Susan Ballard,John Conomos,Ross Harley,Douglas Kahn,Caroline Langill,Jens Hauser,Joanna Walewska,Stelarc,Jon Cates,Martin Constable,Adele Tan,Leon Marvell,Rudy Rucker
  • 出版社/メーカー: The MIT Press
  • 発売日: 2013/11/08
  • メディア: ハードカバー
  • この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る
Tracey Emin: Angel Without You

Tracey Emin: Angel Without You

Art Studio America: Contemporary Artist Spaces

Art Studio America: Contemporary Artist Spaces

A Companion to Modern African Art (Blackwell Companions to Art History)

A Companion to Modern African Art (Blackwell Companions to Art History)

100 Works of Art That Will Define Our Age

100 Works of Art That Will Define Our Age

On Not Knowing: How Artists Think

On Not Knowing: How Artists Think

Nilbar Gures: Who Is the Subject?

Nilbar Gures: Who Is the Subject?

Frieze London Catalogue 2013

Frieze London Catalogue 2013

The Front Room: Artists' Projects at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis 2008-2013

The Front Room: Artists' Projects at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis 2008-2013

Enrique Martinez Celaya: The Pearl

Enrique Martinez Celaya: The Pearl

Mona Hatoum: Shift

Mona Hatoum: Shift

Waltercio Caldas

Waltercio Caldas

  • 作者: Blanton Museum of Art,Gabriel Perez-barreiro,Richard Shiff,Robert Storr,Simone Wicha,Fundacao Ibere Camargo
  • 出版社/メーカー: Univ of Texas Pr
  • 発売日: 2013/10/15
  • メディア: ハードカバー
  • この商品を含むブログを見る
Pure Views: Transformations of Chinese Contemporary Art

Pure Views: Transformations of Chinese Contemporary Art

Art as Therapy

Art as Therapy

Wild Art

Wild Art

Chris Burden: Extreme Measures

Chris Burden: Extreme Measures

Nature Morte: Contemporary Artists Reinvigorate the Still-live Tradition

Nature Morte: Contemporary Artists Reinvigorate the Still-live Tradition

Art and Politics: A Small History of Art for Social Change Since 1945

Art and Politics: A Small History of Art for Social Change Since 1945

The Art of Drawing: British Masters and Methods Since 1600

The Art of Drawing: British Masters and Methods Since 1600

Raymond Pettibon

Raymond Pettibon

Time (Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art)

Time (Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art)

History Becomes Form: Moscow Conceptualism (The MIT Press)

History Becomes Form: Moscow Conceptualism (The MIT Press)

Art Cities of the Future: 21st-Century Avant-Gardes

Art Cities of the Future: 21st-Century Avant-Gardes